Talk Walking

>> Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Lately Ive been talking a lot about being the moment. Ive been talking about how your life is all a matter of perception and how if you look at things in a way that is beneficial, you cant fail. I said to a friend the other day that one of my main goals is to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. This year has taught me that it is the nature of things to change. It has also taught me that control comes and goes making it a fleeting sort of illusion. So the premise of this exploration and acceptance is that if Im ok with discomfort then nothing can stop me.

On more than one occasion this month I heard myself saying that life doesnt always give you what you want but it does give you what you need. The people, the lessons, the situations. Pretty much, every time.

But what about when they fall apart? What about when the plan unravels? Where is that cool calm collected go-with-the-flow-ness then? What happens when after a lovely 5 week visit in America, I pack up all of my things and get ready to fly back home to Berlin only to find out not only that my flight is cancelled but that they cannot re-book me for an entire week....

What happens when life happens?

I get to meet myself. I get to stop talking and start walking. I get to have a different week than I planned. I get to see different people and have different conversations. But most of all, I get to practice what I preach.

Plainly put, if I don't find the fun in this and be in my moment, then I am living a lie... so here goes.


The Truth About Lonely

>> Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I couldnt say it better myself...


Thanking the Turkey

>> Saturday, November 27, 2010

During this trip so far I have been going through a lot. I've been paying close attention to the way I feel and react with familiar people in familiar situations. I have been trying to notice what is going on in my head, in my heart and in my body. I have learned a ton about myself during this year in Berlin and before I flew to LA this time, I was worried about how I would be. Could I keep up the self observation? Could I stave off  the massive self judgement? In moments in which I have, for years, acted on auto-pilot, would I be able to stay with myself?

There have been an incredible amount of feelings, connections and sensations while I’ve been here so far. But the best part is my overwhelming sensation: gratitude. Gratitude for the fact that the sun is shining. Gratitude for the fact that there is so much food in the fridge. Gratitude for the laughter in the living room. Gratitude that my mom still calls me when its late and she wonders if I'm coming home. Gratitude for how fast my friends' children are growing. Gratitude for friends who offer up their gorgeous houses to sleep in and to cook thanksgiving dinner in. Gratitude for the 11 kinds of pie in the kitchen. Gratitude for time to drink coffee and hear my friends’ stories. Gratitude for the fact that I can hug my mom as long and as often as I want. Gratitude that it’s impossible to see all the people I love while I'm here. Gratitude for messages from friends about the first snow in Berlin. Gratitude for new socks. Gratitude for random text messages, just because we can. Gratitude that Emerson and Averie remembered me and weren’t at all scared by my bald head.

My heart is full. And so is my life. Thank you. Happy Thanksgiving!


Retracting Apologies

>> Sunday, November 21, 2010

Since being in LA I have gotten to see a few friends. And even in the short period of time that I have been able to spend with them, I have noticed something consistent. There comes a point in the conversation where the small talk ends. We cut through the easy to talk about stuff and arrive on something hard. Something real. Something emotional. And then, usually a few moments into a conversation that really matters, something unusual happens. They apologize.

I used to do this all the time. In fact, I still do. I say I am sorry for going too deep. For sharing my heart in a way that isn’t “positive”. It has always been my thought that its not nice or cool to bring people down. It’s not really good to share what's bad. Its my job to take care of my own pain right? Work through my own issues and not trouble other people with them? But the more I think about it, the more I think that’s one of the lies I have been telling myself for as long as I can remember.

I'm not sorry anymore. Not for breathing, not for laughing and especially not for crying. It means I'm alive. It means that even though this world can be equal parts un-feeling and amazing, isolating and beautiful, I still have a pulse and a heartbeat. I am in this thing, experiencing it right now. And I feel honored when someone cuts the bullshit and shares their heart with me, especially the parts that aren't particularly pretty. It’s one of the most beautiful things we can do, let someone in. Let someone swim in our ocean. And by realizing that in other people, I am more able to realize it in myself.

So I would like to take back my apology. All the times that things have gotten intense or real, that I have “broken down” and opened up, I'm not sorry. Because it’s our gift to eachother. Permission to experience this life thing honestly, originally and unapologetically for the first time.


Shot Glass v Mug

>> Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Blogging is funny. It’s this interesting way to reach out and share in the digital world. And even though my main goal is being in the present moment, even as I write I will be sharing the past or future. I had a dear friend write to me the other day. He had found my blog after 12 years of being out of touch and used reading every word of it to catch up on who I have become.

And while he has gone on to marry and have children and create a successful career, he was very generous with his impressions of why what I am doing matters. But this “me” on this screen is only the one I write about. The one who can put two sentences together about her feelings. If I'm honest, I spend most days neither able nor wanting to do that. And sometimes I wonder who that girl really is. The one who isn’t particularly inspired or inspiring. The one who isnt all that wise or enlightened. Most days I'm just trying to find a balance between aspiring to my potential and accepting myself for who I am.

I have a lot of friends on facebook. I feel quite certain they couldn't all handle where I'm coming from, most of the time. So there is a lot I don’t share. Not on the internet. That’s what a nice long talk and a good cup of coffee is for. That’s something each one of us should earn face to face and soul to soul. Its something I try not to forget. I’d like to think that these two versions are equally me. It’s the classic case of shot glass and mug. Same contents with different capacities.

So when can we sit down for our cup o joe?



>> Monday, October 11, 2010

Lately my life is like my hair-do, it’s in that “in-between stage”. I think we all know it. That place after the place of action and emotion. It’s a time before a time when anything is really happening. The period in-between sensation or struggle or any kind of self perpetuating energy from which you feed. Simply put, it’s the opposite of “go time.” This place is more like “wait time” or “just keep your head down” time. And in its emptiness I sometimes find it harder than the hard times.

When I was little my dad used to say, “life isn’t always Disneyland.” I didn’t know what to make of it then. I'm still not sure now. But like my hair, sometimes you have to cut things off in life. Maybe because it’s time. Maybe because it’s the only way to let new growth come through. I spent the last year very much in the struggle of it. Knowing that I just wanted to stay here and fighting to make it a reality. But now it seems it is. I live in Berlin. And things seem to be growing on their own, sometimes at random. But as anyone who has ever made cuts might tell you, the in-between isn’t always cute. And waking up this morning I didn’t like looking in the mirror. The girl looking back at me was neither here nor there.

But the in between is also a place. Just like here. Just like there. And maybe it’s a more honest one then the others. No glitz, no glamour, no frills. Just regular life. Even if this life is happening far away from where it started, its still life.

So, with an open heart, I will try to keep my head down and wait. Try to enjoy this time non time, space non space. Or I could just be honest to my need for adventure today and get the clippers!


Breezes and Birthdays- Time Flight

>> Thursday, September 23, 2010

Time flies when you're having fun. When you are learning lessons. When you are dreaming dreams. When you are trying to survive and learning to thrive.

Thats the way of it, time. Its times job to fly.

This Summer came and went. Just as fast as it started to blaze, sun high, days filled with BBQ's and open air festivals, it has started to cool down. The wind is blowing, the leaves are changing and as I walk down the street, behind colorful scarves and caps, I can see the difference on everyones face.

Because I never grew up with definitive seasons, before I moved to Berlin I had to rely on other things to let me know that time was marching on. Holidays were good for that, especially birthdays. So the 21st of September has always meant its my Mamma's birthday and the start of Fall.

This year, as much as I wanted to, I couldn't afford to send her a ticket to come to visit me for her birthday. My strict financial limitations making room for creativity, I had an inspiration to make my Mom a video tour of my life and home here in Berlin. It seemed like a solid idea, I just had no clue how I was going to do it myself. (One handed photos in front of tourist destinations is one thing, but a video tour is a different animal altogether.)

So then last week I had a houseguest from Australia who just happened to be a professional film editor. When I mentioned my idea, he jumped at the chance to help. Don't you just love it when a totally unplanned plan comes together?! What a great way to celebrate the flight of time and just Fall....


No Island

>> Thursday, August 19, 2010

This is drastically out of order but I have to tell you this story.

I had no car for the move into my new apartment. This seeming handicap gave me two options: rent a car or get creative.

One characteristic of myself that I used to prize in another life was the fact that I was capable. If something needed done, more often than not, I could make it happen. And most of the time I felt good about this all the while unaware that it was making me an island.

The thing about friendship and community and collaboration is that its a two way exchange. Without reciprocity, it just doesn't work. Its quite simple really, when one offers, the other has to accept. This doesn't work when self sufficiency is your top priority. This doesn't work when you are an island.

My idea of independence has been tested often these past two years. And its lovely how many people have stepped up along the way. Showing their true colors in the name of my international move, I have been blessed with generous humans who have been teaching me the value of accepting help.

One thing I love about Berlin is its honesty. For better or worse, you know where you stand. There is very little sugar-coating. It's just the real raw story and you can take it or leave it. So when it came time to move the couch that my friend Eric so generously donated to my new flat and I had to figure out how to get it from his attic to my studio it felt right to ask myself one simple question: "What would Berlin do?"
The answer was clear...

Couch Moving Party.

5 strong men, 3 six packs of Berliner Kindl and 2 Kilometers later I realized something beautiful thats been coming for a long time now:

Im not an island anymore.


WHY Top RAMEN is GOOD for your SOUL

>> Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Being broke sucks.

I’ve have never been as financially poor in my life as I have been in Berlin. I used to play at it. Say I had no money all the time. But that was a lie. I had credit cards, I had work and I had family close by.
I was talking to a friend the other day about how a mutual pal of ours was “really struggling”.

“She can’t even buy any new clothes right now!”

I used to say things like that. But it’s funny how priorities switch when you go from perhaps not donning the latest fashions all the way to perhaps not being able to buy food.

Believe it or not, I’m not complaining. Because I am finding that there are two interesting things about money: It often gives a false sense of security in a totally uncertain world and it usually creates an insatiable appetite for more. Everything is always changing and no amount of money can change that. And there is always a need for more things, new things, vacations, possessions, and when all that is checked off the list you can always use savings for a rainy day. It can create a never-ending black hole of desire making it virtually impossible to be content with what is.

But one thing I love about the life I currently lead is that despite my conceptual discomfort and my occasional worry about what people think of my efforts, I am currently at peace inside.

Because I have enough. In fact, if I really look at my situation, I am one of the richest people I know.

And so somehow eating noodles is feeding my soul. And I know it’s just a phase. I am doing and learning everything I can and like all other seasons, this too shall pass. That knowledge coupled with the growing love in and around me makes me open to all the things I can already feel are on the way. And what’s more, it gives me the opportunity to enjoy this moment. Right now I am so thankful for this time and space to really imagine myself as free, because I already am.


Letting Go

>> Thursday, July 8, 2010

Since I did it, there have been a lot of questions.

Why now?

Why ever?

A few people begged me not to. Some threatened to cry. Some asked if they could have it when I was done.

I made a lot of excuses for a while. It needed to be hotter. I needed to be in better shape physically... emotionally. I wondered if maybe I was just doing it for the spectacle. I thought about it. I felt it through. I warned all my friends. But I knew the time was coming and the time was coming soon...

Then the time came. On the first day of Summer 2010, I shaved my head
...totally bald.

When small children ask me why I did it, I tell them I wanted to see the shape of my head. "Have YOU ever seen YOUR head?!" When others inquire I tell them it was time to clean out.

It had happened somewhere along the way that my identity had become tangled in my huge mass of curly hair. Certainly not the first thing and probably not the last. But in these last couple of years, I had become aware that my mane had completely infiltrated my self image. And I knew that the only way out was in letting go.

I am still a bit amazed. Im almost use to my reflection. I still wake up in the morning and touch my head. I still try to flip my hair reflexively in various social situations.

But there is a strange feeling of calm inside. I am spending time in my own skin. And frankly, its nice to meet me.


Cotton Balls from Heaven

>> Thursday, July 1, 2010

This year in Berlin Summer came early and Spring came late. Following a catastrophically cold Winter it remained frigid and dark well into what should have been Spring. But then, the day after I moved into my new place, it happened. Almost as though Berlin was showing its sign of approval, the sun came out and came on strong. The wind of Spring with the warm of Summer.


One wholly new phenomenon is the Pappel. A soft white flower, its buds bloom like wisps of cotton wafting through the air and filling the city streets. In the absence of allergies, it is truly a magical site. All over is a thin layer of white. Its almost like Berlin snows year round- schnee (snow) in the winter, cotton in the spring followed by the gorgeous changing leaves of the fall. Its amazing to live somewhere with seasons. And every time it changes, I feel new. I say, let it rein.



>> Saturday, June 12, 2010

I used to be a bit of a snob. Much more than I knew. It’s amazing how many meanings we attach to silly things. But this last move (that being more a prayer than a prediction) from one temporary space into a hopefully slightly more permanent one, reminded me how prejudice I can be.

Over the weekend someone asked me how many times I moved last year. My answer surprised even me… 11. I have had 11 different relocation-destinations this year. No seriously. Last year they began with a move as far as Los Angeles to Berlin. And this year, they end with a move as close as a small city block.

I carried my lady liberty and handmade poster from friends about 150 meters down the street to my new, fantastic, garden, studio apartment. My friend Marc had been gracious enough to serve as my permanent address and with that generously came the added load of hosting both me on several “in between lodging” occasions as well all the lovely things I had acquired over a year of living here.

While Berlin is quite diverse and in that way is very forgiving, there are still things that come up in my mind sometimes, things you just don’t do.

But last week I moved one city block without a car, truck or van. My friends came to my aid for the bazillionth time, and together we did it by hand, on foot and with the help of a single previously prejudiced item. Although I wasn’t really aware of it, I had previously designated that the only appropriate use for this item was in the supermarket. But beyond the boundaries of the parking lot of a market or other commercial shopping location, this item was subconsciously reserved for the sole use of homeless people and the like. And so, ironically, in this last push for me to have a home, I was totally saved by this thing used almost exclusively by people without them. All hail the shopping cart.

I think I am more humble now. I am certainly more convinced than ever that I have no business thinking I ever know “how things really are.” And thanks to that shiny thing and some ass-busting work on the part of myself and my dearest ones here, I road that thing proudly… all the way home.


Peace Problems

>> Sunday, June 6, 2010

So Im having this little problem with enlightenment.

As I type these words I know that my confusion no doubt lies in my lack thereof. Any enlightened person would probably tell me that. Or tell you that about me. "She is just struggling because she is not yet very evolved." But right now Im ok with that. I am where I am. THIS is my road. And THIS is my place on the road. I can not be anywhere else.

So I asked a guru the other day for guidance. I told him I was looking for peace. I realize that its not as though its lost or I will find it hiding somewhere, under a rock or perhaps behind some gorgeous mountain covered in lush landscaping and happy dancing hippie folks. I realize that peace is not the problem, its me. But Im still searching, working, trying to find a way to be able to rest inside for more than just these fleeting moments I find. I asked him and this is what he said:

"There is no road to peace. Peace IS the road"

At first I let it in. I took the words and let them swim around. Marinate a bit in my highly seasoned mind. Then I tried to let my heart have its turn. Spend some time with the concept, just feeling my way through it. What does it mean and what is the deeper truth...


It eats itself!

It reminds me of school. When I was a kid and I didnt know how to spell a word, I would ask and they would tell me to look it up in the dictionary. How in the world can I do that when I dont know how to spell it?

Chicken or Egg?

I understand that Jesus spoke in parables so that everyone could get what they needed out of it, but this is rediculous! I hate cannibalistic concepts!

I wonder if past this frustration there is a way on the other side to understand this and explain it to normal people? I mean, seriously. I want to be free!


Morning Train

>> Saturday, May 29, 2010

Wake up. Bunny slippers. Is there sun today? Turn on the water pot. Check email. Check facebook. Shower. Rummage through suitcase to find clothes. Enjoy coffee. Breath. Layer up. Walk to the train. Insert 2.10. Insert self on train. No seats. Find something to hold. Look ahead. Eye contact. Old lady who doesnt smile back. Punk kids beside me giggle. Did I turn off the water pot? Homeless man selling newspapers. Business man selling soul. Stress anticipation. "Einsteigen Bitte" Hearing deutsch. Hearing spanish. Hearing english. Song in my head. It all sounds the same. Train jolt. He bumps into me. Quick eye contact. "Entschuldigung". Eyes closed. Exhale. My stop. Doors open. People pour in. I pour out.

Where am I going again?


Dont Stop Believing

I have been moving around again, a lot. And this year it all comes full circle.

Last year, about this time, I made a wish for a place to stay for free. I did it again. And sure enough Berlin delivered right on cue. I am frankly enjoying answering questions about my life because most of the time it just sounds so absurd. This story begins: " So I met this guy at a concert and he offered me his place to live in for two weeks while he took an impromptu trip to India." There is so much magic here its hard to know where to start. The fact that I had just asked Berlin for help, the fact that my needing a place started the day after he left town. The fact that the place is in my favorite neighborhood in Berlin. The fact that the place is filled with good vibes and guitars. The fact that its been exactly a year since Ive been able to spend a little time living alone. The magic is really in the extras. And the extras come in spades making my doubt when times get rough, downright absurd.

Ive been looking for my "home" in Berlin. The one I can call my own. I have found that while I love to travel and explore, my soul needs a center from which to spin. And while I am so VERY lucky to have so many couches on offer, I would do well with some space of my own. So with all this magic afoot, despite my vacillation between personal exhilaration and desperation, it seems crazy to stop believing.

I have been taught all my life that "faith is the evidence of things unseen". Ive never been good at believing when it makes no sense. I like sense. Its something on which I often lean. But the deeper I go into this quest for self and life and meaning, the less "sense" is being provided. Something else is going on. And so I take a senseless stand and know that my home is on the way....


Self Esteem

>> Saturday, May 15, 2010

I have been a little stuck in my own head lately. Ever since my Deutsch Sprach course I have been feeling a bit more like a crazy person then usual. This communication thing is a big deal. There are basics, then there is nuance. While Im moving towards being able to handle the basics, I can still neither use nor even spell nuance in German. Its been said to me that the more languages you know the worse you become at all of them. Anyone truly multi-lingual will agree. But Im used to being good at expressing myself. And honestly, this is hard on my self esteem. Its hard not to feel eloquent.

Then there is culture and all the differences that come with that. I messed some things up lately, things I would have known exactly what to do about in the States. But I didn't know here. And I made the wrong call. For the first time Im starting to wonder if there actually is anything common about sense. Or anything that everyone "should" already know. Im trying to accept this. But its hard not to feel smart.

The work thing has been up and down. Say its about the economy, tell me its because Im in a place where I dont speak the language. But in the end, Im not used to feeling so dependent on others. For information, for help, for a place to lay my head. I am as prostrate and dependent as I have ever been. Im trying to look at it as a season, believing that something else must be on the way, that its always darkest before the dawn. But in this moment, I cant seem to move anything. And as odd as it seems, Im not unhappy, just a bit confused why in the external sense nothing seems to be "working". Its hard not to feel capable.

And at the end of this rainbow I am asking myself where my self esteem is supposed to come from. I feel sure that it should transcend circumstance. But beyond that, from where should it be derived? If its not about what's going on around you, then it is about what you do. And if its not about what you do then its about who you are. But these days the list of things that make up "me" that I've always known no longer includes the above. So what if Im not capable, smart, eloquent? What if those really arent me? What if there is something else, something more that I should base this thing on? Not my circumstance, and not the things about me that aren't always true. So what should we base our self esteem on? Think about it. Whats your list?



>> Sunday, May 9, 2010

Do you every wonder what holds the line between dreams and reality? And what if by chance, you found a key to unlock the barrier. Would the lines between asleep and awake perhaps begin to blur?

Would you be: inspired to live

or afraid to dream?


One Word at a Time

>> Thursday, April 22, 2010


It's so much more than the words we say. It's what allows us to connect. To avoid being permanently trapped in our own minds, in our own experiences.

Have you ever noticed how a really good book can transport you into another dimension? I mean you're fully in your day to day grind, and within a few minutes of reading, an artfully written story takes you somewhere else. Concepts, ideas, dreams. You can visit new places. Thats the power of language.

I started taking German classes a few weeks ago. And for better or worse I am taking a 4 week intensive course. Every morning Mon-Fri, German. Everything is German. And I can tell that its really getting in my head even as I type these words because I am having trouble writing... in English. Everything I knew before is now different. German is now Deutsch. And the writing I do is scriben. And I no longer have questions ich habe fragen.

I used to take communicating for granted. But now, it seems Im uncovering another phase of its power. And much like the transformative ability of that book or das buch, my dreams are changing shape. Im visiting new places in my everyday life. In my own skin, in my own head, I get the chance to re-discover everything in a new way. One word at a time.


In My Own Shoes

>> Wednesday, March 24, 2010

In the beginning I thought the silence might kill me. 10 days with no words, smiles or gestures. But my reaction was strange...


Secluded on the girls side, there was no need for whitty banter, random compliments or chit chat of any sort. Not even, "excuse me" or "thank you" or "hey, those are great shoes". Strange how quickly my taste for these well-meaning fillers desolved. And for the first time I started to really see just how much of what I do, who I have become, is my response to conflict.

When I was younger I made a lot of enemies. This was sometimes achieved just by walking into a room. And in the combinative state of my young mind and my tortured social experience I made a subconscious pact with myself. I decided to be very friendly. Very versatile. Very complimentary and cool. And as I grew, this reflexive personality became so intertwined with my own that no one, not even me, could tell the difference between who I am and who I had become to stay safe.

But the me born of conflict is not the me that I seek and I saw in this silence an opportunity. To separate fact from fiction. To distinguish my defenses from my desires. To meet myself authentically. To be in my own skin.

The day before the silence was lifted I was nervous. I wasn't sure how I would be. Perhaps I would come out the other side a rude person. A shy person. An aloof person. Maybe with the crap of my past shelled off I wouldn't have anything particularly nice to say.

But then it happened.

Coming out of that silence was like being re-born. Dramatic but true. I felt like a little child. I could sing and dance and shout and laugh. But most of all I could look people in the eyes and connect. Just a little isolated time seeing me freed me to really see others. Sincerely. Authentically. Perhaps for the first time. And it was nice to know what I'm choosing. Who I am. And why I want to speak to you.

Its because you matter. Its because Im interested. Its because its true.

So, if I say I love your shoes now I know I mean it. Its because I noticed and I wanted to tell you. But most of all its because I have spent some time learning to love my own.


The Stories in My Head

>> Sunday, March 21, 2010

I arrived a bit late to the retreat. My train had broken down making it a 6 connection journey instead of 5. I quickly filled out my registration form and carried my bag to my assigned room.

My room-mates things were already on her side of our tiny room. I immediately noticed she had brought 3 pairs of shoes: small silver ballet-like slip ons, calf high sturdy outdoor boots and some funny little elf like green felt slippers. There were a few bottles of herbs strewn about the side table. In my mind I started to decide who she was.

Soon after dinner the "vow" of silence was given. No speaking. No gestures. No eye contact. We spent about an hour in meditation and were then instructed to "take rest" in our rooms as that 4am wake up gong would come early. Upon returning to the room I was finally in the same space with her. Slender frame, porcelain skin, dark short hair. By her countenance I guessed she couldn't be more than 24. Past the point of introductions, our 10 days of cohabitation began without a word.

And they continued without words. I soon found that the 4am bell came a bit too early for me so I often slept until the 6:30 breakfast bell. But everyday, she would get up, get dressed and go to the hall. I soon realized that while I favoured naps in my free time, she favoured nature walks. There were countless occasions of walking in while she was walking out or vice versa. A few times while we were supposed to be meditating in our rooms or in the hall I fell asleep (all that silence makes me drowsy!) If she would walk in or heaven forbid notice me nod off while she was meditating in the space beside me, I felt incredibly guilty.

By day 5, I decided she hated me. Not the most rational conclusion, but at this point I had been stuck in my own head for over 100 hours. No outside input or reassurance. I felt certain that she was surely a practised "hippy chick", accustomed to mediation and silence and nature and all. And my guilt over not working harder had manifested itself as undeniable evidence that she was better at this than me and that she probably knew it.

I did this repeatedly. On the women's side of camp there were 60+ ladies of all shapes, sizes and ages. Not being able to make eye contact, I got to know their shoes very well. After a while I started to give them names. There was "cool pants girl", "wakey hair lady", "bathrobe chick". All the while watching them, not aware of the personalities I was assigning them based on their countenance and fashion choices.

On day 9 at mid-day, the vow of silence in Vipassana is lifted. This gives everyone the opportunity to meet each other, share their experience and transition back into the normal speaking world. I was so pleasantly surprised at how wrong I was in so many of my assumptions. Once looking into eyes and sharing stories, these shells of people came to life in a way I struggle to put words to. It was almost like I had been living in a coloring book world and sharing had brought instant vibrant crayon color to a black and white page of existence.

But the best surprise of all was her. Extending her hand she introduced herself as Leah. Leah and Shaleah sharing a room without a word. Lights out that night was brimming with slumber party excitement. There was so much enthusiasm in the sharing. I told her that I thought she hated me because I was lazy. She said she was sure I hated her because I thought she was a goody goody for getting up so early. And I started to realize how many things we make up in our heads and live by as though they are facts. In this case it may seem absurd, conclusions with no words, but I started to realize, I do it all the time.

And then she shared something that I will keep forever. It is my prayer that it has somehow galvanized this lesson into my open heart. Even as I type it the tears start to come as I realize its beauty. She told me that about half way through the course, every night before we would go to bed she would make a wish that I would sleep well...

...and all my judgements, all my misconceptions, all the destructiveness of the best efforts of my mind to figure, to anticpate, to control, melted away. And I was left with two very distinct things: the stories in my head and the truth, which is love.


Questions and Answers

>> Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My life isnt perfect. On the contrary, its totally up in the air which often brings complicated feelings. But its funny what people think when you are far away.

I was chatting with a friend from LA the other day. She asked how I was and I told her I was "searching". She seemed a bit disillusioned: "But I thought Berlin was the answer for you?!"

Its more like the question.
Or maybe I'm the question and it just feels like a good place to ask...

So Im leaving tomorrow for a 10 day silent retreat.
Yep, thats what you read.
10 days. No talking. No writing. No phone or internet. No communication with anyone... but me.
Honestly, I dont think I like myself enough to enjoy that much of my own company. But I want to. And my goals for this crazy thing? To learn something new and to surprise myself somehow. All the other ideas I have about it, Im trying to release.

Lets see how it goes...


Around the Corner

>> Saturday, February 20, 2010

Berlin and I continue to have a very passionate relationship. My first Berlin winter has provided record highs of snow and record lows of temperature. Marion told me the other day that its the coldest winter in 60 years and the snowiest in 30. Everyone who is from here keeps saying, "It hasn't been like this since I was a kid."

And people keep asking how it is for me...

Its been cold, really cold. Its the kind of cold that makes you feel like you are in an emergency. Like everytime you step outside your only urgent mission is to get inside again, immediately if not sooner. The snow and snow rain and then the re-freezing brings a glass-like cover to the concrete that is virtually impossible to walk on without slipping. Apparently the german reputation for efficiency is overruled by compassion when it comes to the streets as they refuse to put down salt on the roads to avoid the neighborhood dogs from consuming too much and getting sick. Good for pooches, bad for people. Your nose burns with the chill and your chest hurts when you breath too deeply so you find yourself taking short breaths. All the while you are expending so much energy by doing the simplest things (like walking) and you're not able to give your body the oxygen it craves.

But today, the thaw began.

I remember my friend Patrick had mentioned how the winter is here. He had described it as "unfriendly" saying that people don't look you in the eye. I thought to myself that I would never be that way. But I discovered this winter that in addition to being so cold you can't even see straight, there is so much slippery potential that you are always looking down to make sure not to eat it on the pavement!

But today, I looked people in the eyes.

And it reminded me that the only thing consitant is change. The only thing I know for sure is that this is all temporary. So enjoy, press on, love, breath, endure, luxuriate, dance, move forward ~ always knowing that this too shall pass because there is always another season just around the corner...


Ich bin...

>> Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The road to legal status in Germany is not an easy one. Im sure thats not a shock.

There are hassles with registration and health insurance. They want to see your diploma, your resume, your bank statements. They want you to prove that you really want to be a part of this place. I started the process in April last year and the Ausländerbehörde has had my full paperwork since July 2nd. Over the course of this process of trying to prove that I am worthy, I actually started to question whether or not I am . But after countless pages of paperwork in German, visits to the visa office, taking a number, standing in line, paying processing fees, visits to the insurance guy, buying the wrong kind of health insurance, buying some more, registering and re-registering my address, a million conversations that began with, "do you speak any english?", worrying and waiting...

I got it.

My visa.

On Jan 4th 2010, Berlin told me I could stay.

And after I did a little dance in the visa office hallway, so joyfully that my friend Marc literally had to pick me up off the floor, I knew what I had to do... currywurst. Something I have come to know as a Berlin speciality: sausages in a curry ketchup sauce with fries. I like mine rot/weiss (red and white- ketchup and mayo) on the side. I sat there with my victory meal drinking a Berliner Pilsner and breathed a looooooooong sigh of relief as I gratefully uttered the words:
"Ich bin ein Berliner!"



>> Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Ive been recovering from High School ever since the first day I started. All the un-natural social norms, the fads, the cliques, not to mention the fact that pretty much all the time pretty much everybody is talking about everyone else. And that feeling of being mis-understood, un-liked and outcasted sometimes carries over. At least it did for me.

I spent much of my early 20's trying to make some kind of social peace. With myself and with the world. I was trying to be everything to everybody so that no one would hate me, ever again. Although this is impossible, I did pick up some interesting party tricks along the way.

But now Im spending my not-as-young adulthood trying to let all that go. I am literally TRYING to look stupid. I am making an effort to be un-cool, to not understand, to be "out of it." All in the hope I'll find the me somewhere inside the perception.

So the other day, I was a snowman. You read that right. A snowman. I got a random wake-up call from my friend Patrick asking me if I felt like working. The sheer randomness coupled with the 400 euro price tag had me bounding out of bed and running to the park.

We walked a good portion of the city. On foot. In the snow. With microphones and our very own musical "snow mobile" driving alongside us, we shouted and sang at on lookers and people we passed on the street. The cause was global warming, the place Berlin. And the whole time I didnt really understand what was going on. People would ask me questions, children would come up to me. There was a lot of pointing and laughing. And all I could do is smile and dance and tell them that my German isnt so good.

Truthfully, I didn't expect the feelings that followed. Over the course of the day I had aquired a whole new respect for costume characters- those freaking heads and bodies and misc accesories are heavy! And with all the walking in the snow, my feet were frozen for literally hours. But the strange thing was the emotional aftermath. After it was all over, I sat down and just cried. And you know whats weird- it felt like high school. There was alot going through my mind but I think one of the main things was the feeling of being "talked about".

I generally have a good sense of humor about this and just naturally asume that if people are talking about me they are saying nice things. Not because this is necessarily true but because it helps me to not live in a paranoid state. But for most of the day I was the epidimy of this current state of life I am in- goofy, confused, random- and trying to keep singing and putting one foot in front of the other all along the way. With the help of my lack of peripheral vision and a lovely patch of ice on the sidewalk I had fallen. Large costume and all- I totally ate it. "Snowman down!" But with the help of those around me, I got back up.

And so my first real exercise in my New Years resolution came in an unexpected way. I played a charecter but it got inside. It made me think about who I've been and who I want to be. Ironically by dressing up and stepping out I found a whole new appreciation for being in my own skin.


Happy Slide

>> Friday, January 29, 2010

2010 started off with a bang.

After a long trip back from Goa by way of Mumbai, by way of London, I finally reached Berlin: my sweet, dynamic, frozen home. And as soon as I did, I saw that the streets were still alive with that magical holiday feeling. Christmas markets still lined them with twinkling lights in the snow. "Guten Rutsch" was been said to me everywhere I went. A common wish for the start of a new year it is literally translated: Happy Slide.

On New Years Eve, Marion introduced me to some new german traditions. We drank Bowle, a cherry juice-champagne cocktail complete with vodka soaked fruits. We watched Dinner for One, an 18 minute TV program that airs every year on Dec 31st. A traditional pastime in homes all over Deutchland, ironically, it was in english.

We then proceeded to melt various metal objects by candlight. Yes, I said melt. Also a German tradition called Bleigiessen. After melting tiny figures on a spoon we were instructed to rapidly throw the melted ore into a pot of cold water. By deciphering the shape that emerged, we were supposed to be able to predict what the coming year might bring. I did this 3 times and consitantly got something that resembled a fish. For some lame reason the book just said I should take a bath this year. I was happy to insert my own interpretation that this year was going to go swimmingly.

I made appetizers and Marc made dinner.

The third and final new tradition came by way of table fireworks. I again felt an impulse of childish fear. I could literally hear my mother saying how unsafe it all was. Its funny to be a grown up and still hear that stuff in your head. First the melting, now the exploding! But this part would have to come later, as the actual night of New Years, Marion had forgotten the pyrotechnics at home.

But the explosions came in a way I didnt expect, promptly at the stroke of twelve and beyond. Fireworks EVERYWHERE. All over the place. The city of Berlin was aglow...

I have been to good New Years Eve parties. But the obvious exhuberance all around me was actually a thing of wonder. People were yelling and singing, laughing and cheering, well past midnight. But somehow it seemed to contain more enthusiasm than I had ever heard on this night of the year. And I had the thought that maybe being a worn torn city, maybe the bitter winter weather, or maybe just a sense that life is not necessarily guaranteed might make the start of a new year more meaningful somehow. I couldnt quite put my finger on it, but it was definitely different. Full. Loud. Genuine. My first Berlin New Year.

And I found myself saying out into the night "Frohes Neues!" Happy New Year!



>> Saturday, January 16, 2010

What happens when you actually get what you ask for?

This year I took my New Year’s resolution seriously.

In the past my promises have always included the usual suspects: getting a better job, recycling more often, losing that preverbal 10 lbs. But two years ago I stopped.

Instead of making a resolution, I made a wish.

In 2008 my wish was to do something every month that scared me. Last year I wished to experience the world as a child. And this way of asking for something from my year instead of demanding something from myself has brought real freedom. And with freedom comes power. In some ways it has changed everything.

I think the trick with these was their lack of borders. Its like saying you are going to exercise 3 times per week instead of loose 10 lbs. It’s a small distinction but one is open for interpretation and the other is very measurable. We are taught to make goals measurable so we can see if we have achieved them. But what if instead of making them achievable we endeavored to make goals absorbable, by our hearts, our souls- by that part that makes us uniquely us? Isn’t that the part of us that has the power to really make things happen anyway? The part that really needs some inspiration and encouragement?What if instead of giving our heads more food for thought we gave our hearts more fuel for action? I don’t know about you but my soul just loves a good metaphor…

So this year I have to admit, I was a bit scared. The ability to actually speak things into being is an interesting power to get in touch with. (No self-help books can prepare you for that kind of reckoning.) And for me, it has really made me think twice before I ask for something. I question not only my motives but also my true desires. Like having your very own genie filled lamp... might make you wonder what you really want. But in the end it came to me as surely and as simply as the others.

This year I wish to spend/enjoy time in my own skin.

Honestly, I don’t even know what that means. But I am sure looking forward to see is what it brings...


Snow Globe

>> Thursday, January 7, 2010

In order to exchange anything there has to be a certain level of agreement. The "rules" have to be in place. In business, in education, in love.

And once the ground rules are set, they can change. They usually do. And thats part of the game, part of being human: the ability to re-define your world when necessary. Its not that you have to pretend its ok. Quite the contrary, its your job to know when its not. And then to re-negotiate, with the concept, with the person, with yourself. Its your job to discover, cause and allow - change.

In work you establish productivity for pay. In communication you establish what words mean. Words like Love. Hate. Never. Always.

Most of my life I have been a "pleaser". Constantly concerned with everyone else's perception of me. Of my actions and most of all, my intentions. I have spent so much time making decisions, big ones and small ones, based on how others might think, feel or react.

But right now, Im endeavoring to redefine myself.

Im turning myself inside out to see what's there. And walking around with my guts hanging out is pretty gory. Its not safe. Its not pretty. To be honest, Im not very proud of what I see... but I am learning to be.

I mean, what good is a snow globe that has never been shook?


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