One Word at a Time

>> Thursday, April 22, 2010


It's so much more than the words we say. It's what allows us to connect. To avoid being permanently trapped in our own minds, in our own experiences.

Have you ever noticed how a really good book can transport you into another dimension? I mean you're fully in your day to day grind, and within a few minutes of reading, an artfully written story takes you somewhere else. Concepts, ideas, dreams. You can visit new places. Thats the power of language.

I started taking German classes a few weeks ago. And for better or worse I am taking a 4 week intensive course. Every morning Mon-Fri, German. Everything is German. And I can tell that its really getting in my head even as I type these words because I am having trouble writing... in English. Everything I knew before is now different. German is now Deutsch. And the writing I do is scriben. And I no longer have questions ich habe fragen.

I used to take communicating for granted. But now, it seems Im uncovering another phase of its power. And much like the transformative ability of that book or das buch, my dreams are changing shape. Im visiting new places in my everyday life. In my own skin, in my own head, I get the chance to re-discover everything in a new way. One word at a time.


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