Talk Walking

>> Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Lately Ive been talking a lot about being the moment. Ive been talking about how your life is all a matter of perception and how if you look at things in a way that is beneficial, you cant fail. I said to a friend the other day that one of my main goals is to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. This year has taught me that it is the nature of things to change. It has also taught me that control comes and goes making it a fleeting sort of illusion. So the premise of this exploration and acceptance is that if Im ok with discomfort then nothing can stop me.

On more than one occasion this month I heard myself saying that life doesnt always give you what you want but it does give you what you need. The people, the lessons, the situations. Pretty much, every time.

But what about when they fall apart? What about when the plan unravels? Where is that cool calm collected go-with-the-flow-ness then? What happens when after a lovely 5 week visit in America, I pack up all of my things and get ready to fly back home to Berlin only to find out not only that my flight is cancelled but that they cannot re-book me for an entire week....

What happens when life happens?

I get to meet myself. I get to stop talking and start walking. I get to have a different week than I planned. I get to see different people and have different conversations. But most of all, I get to practice what I preach.

Plainly put, if I don't find the fun in this and be in my moment, then I am living a lie... so here goes.


The Truth About Lonely

>> Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I couldnt say it better myself...


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