Taking Less Photos

>> Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It's not that Im not writing. Im just sensing a transition.

I started this blog 2 years ago. Wow, how time flies when you are turning your life upside down! And part of the purpose was to share the experiences, the changes and challenges, my highs and lows with a larger audience. It created openness, sharing and accountability. And it let me take so many I love who are so far away on an international adventure!

The other day I had a funny thought about my camera. I realized that often I have to step outside of my moment to photograph things. I have to separate myself from being truly present when I want to capture something. You know that feeling at a party. Its when you notice everyone is having a great time, or someone is about to do something funny and so you take out your camera to "remember" the moment. I have great pictures as a result of this tendency. But if you are standing outside catching the moment, you are not inside experiencing the moment. Part of me has been doing it for you, to show you my world. To give you a view inside my reality and my days. To explain to where I come from about where I am now. Its been my honor and my privilege. But now, its not where I want to be.

So Im taking less pictures. Im writing less blogs. And Im living a little more. Im working on writing copy for websites, Im working on writing a book. But most of all I am LOVING my life. The ups and downs of me remain. And my lessons aren't slowing only growing. My friend Gabriella used to say, "Life is a school." And even though my subjects are getting more advanced it seems, I feel more relaxed about showing up to class.


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