Thanking the Turkey

>> Saturday, November 27, 2010

During this trip so far I have been going through a lot. I've been paying close attention to the way I feel and react with familiar people in familiar situations. I have been trying to notice what is going on in my head, in my heart and in my body. I have learned a ton about myself during this year in Berlin and before I flew to LA this time, I was worried about how I would be. Could I keep up the self observation? Could I stave off  the massive self judgement? In moments in which I have, for years, acted on auto-pilot, would I be able to stay with myself?

There have been an incredible amount of feelings, connections and sensations while I’ve been here so far. But the best part is my overwhelming sensation: gratitude. Gratitude for the fact that the sun is shining. Gratitude for the fact that there is so much food in the fridge. Gratitude for the laughter in the living room. Gratitude that my mom still calls me when its late and she wonders if I'm coming home. Gratitude for how fast my friends' children are growing. Gratitude for friends who offer up their gorgeous houses to sleep in and to cook thanksgiving dinner in. Gratitude for the 11 kinds of pie in the kitchen. Gratitude for time to drink coffee and hear my friends’ stories. Gratitude for the fact that I can hug my mom as long and as often as I want. Gratitude that it’s impossible to see all the people I love while I'm here. Gratitude for messages from friends about the first snow in Berlin. Gratitude for new socks. Gratitude for random text messages, just because we can. Gratitude that Emerson and Averie remembered me and weren’t at all scared by my bald head.

My heart is full. And so is my life. Thank you. Happy Thanksgiving!


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