Shot Glass v Mug

>> Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Blogging is funny. It’s this interesting way to reach out and share in the digital world. And even though my main goal is being in the present moment, even as I write I will be sharing the past or future. I had a dear friend write to me the other day. He had found my blog after 12 years of being out of touch and used reading every word of it to catch up on who I have become.

And while he has gone on to marry and have children and create a successful career, he was very generous with his impressions of why what I am doing matters. But this “me” on this screen is only the one I write about. The one who can put two sentences together about her feelings. If I'm honest, I spend most days neither able nor wanting to do that. And sometimes I wonder who that girl really is. The one who isn’t particularly inspired or inspiring. The one who isnt all that wise or enlightened. Most days I'm just trying to find a balance between aspiring to my potential and accepting myself for who I am.

I have a lot of friends on facebook. I feel quite certain they couldn't all handle where I'm coming from, most of the time. So there is a lot I don’t share. Not on the internet. That’s what a nice long talk and a good cup of coffee is for. That’s something each one of us should earn face to face and soul to soul. Its something I try not to forget. I’d like to think that these two versions are equally me. It’s the classic case of shot glass and mug. Same contents with different capacities.

So when can we sit down for our cup o joe?


Unknown November 19, 2010 at 10:22 PM  

Dear Shaleah, I have a confession to make. I've been visiting your blog and reading your inspired and inspiring posts since we've met at the vipassana rertreat.
All I can say is that it is addicting. Love it! Been here just trying to find new posts a few times...
And I'd love to have a cup of coffee with you and a long good chat. Come to Brazil.
Dani, the brazilian

Soulistic Static November 23, 2010 at 6:03 AM  

When I grow up, I still want to be Brazilian. Thanks for this lovely confession Dani, and be careful or I may just take you up on your invitation... ;)

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