Letting Go

>> Thursday, July 8, 2010

Since I did it, there have been a lot of questions.

Why now?

Why ever?

A few people begged me not to. Some threatened to cry. Some asked if they could have it when I was done.

I made a lot of excuses for a while. It needed to be hotter. I needed to be in better shape physically... emotionally. I wondered if maybe I was just doing it for the spectacle. I thought about it. I felt it through. I warned all my friends. But I knew the time was coming and the time was coming soon...

Then the time came. On the first day of Summer 2010, I shaved my head
...totally bald.

When small children ask me why I did it, I tell them I wanted to see the shape of my head. "Have YOU ever seen YOUR head?!" When others inquire I tell them it was time to clean out.

It had happened somewhere along the way that my identity had become tangled in my huge mass of curly hair. Certainly not the first thing and probably not the last. But in these last couple of years, I had become aware that my mane had completely infiltrated my self image. And I knew that the only way out was in letting go.

I am still a bit amazed. Im almost use to my reflection. I still wake up in the morning and touch my head. I still try to flip my hair reflexively in various social situations.

But there is a strange feeling of calm inside. I am spending time in my own skin. And frankly, its nice to meet me.


Mia July 10, 2010 at 2:24 AM  

I have to express my first gut reaction... "Holy Shit! I love it!" I am so in awe of your courage and daring.
Love to you

Ryan July 14, 2010 at 12:35 AM  

You are a beautiful person. Everything else is just an accessory. Mwah!

Christopher July 18, 2010 at 1:42 AM  

Fascinating! I admire your commitment to authenticity!!!

JOHN MOSBY July 19, 2010 at 2:26 AM  

HOLY ****.

Brave person... but just as striking as ever ;)

I think I'd be willing to do this as well (though it would hardly be as dramatic), but would have to be pushed into it by something like a charity cause etc. My girlfriend did this a few years ago and it's all grown back safely! :)

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