WHY Top RAMEN is GOOD for your SOUL

>> Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Being broke sucks.

I’ve have never been as financially poor in my life as I have been in Berlin. I used to play at it. Say I had no money all the time. But that was a lie. I had credit cards, I had work and I had family close by.
I was talking to a friend the other day about how a mutual pal of ours was “really struggling”.

“She can’t even buy any new clothes right now!”

I used to say things like that. But it’s funny how priorities switch when you go from perhaps not donning the latest fashions all the way to perhaps not being able to buy food.

Believe it or not, I’m not complaining. Because I am finding that there are two interesting things about money: It often gives a false sense of security in a totally uncertain world and it usually creates an insatiable appetite for more. Everything is always changing and no amount of money can change that. And there is always a need for more things, new things, vacations, possessions, and when all that is checked off the list you can always use savings for a rainy day. It can create a never-ending black hole of desire making it virtually impossible to be content with what is.

But one thing I love about the life I currently lead is that despite my conceptual discomfort and my occasional worry about what people think of my efforts, I am currently at peace inside.

Because I have enough. In fact, if I really look at my situation, I am one of the richest people I know.

And so somehow eating noodles is feeding my soul. And I know it’s just a phase. I am doing and learning everything I can and like all other seasons, this too shall pass. That knowledge coupled with the growing love in and around me makes me open to all the things I can already feel are on the way. And what’s more, it gives me the opportunity to enjoy this moment. Right now I am so thankful for this time and space to really imagine myself as free, because I already am.


Zac August 4, 2010 at 5:51 AM  

I'm there too!

My unemployment is paying exactly what my bills are at the moment. When I say bills, I mean the IRS. This is leaving me with nothing to spend on food...much less beer.

Good thing I have a strong back and some very generous friends who like my cooking.


Margaux August 4, 2010 at 4:05 PM  

Hey Shaleah! You're right, being broke and unemployed can be good for the soul. Like being on a diet can be good for the body. There is one thing I really hate though: not having my own keys. I used to have at least 2 sets: office keys, appartment keys. I have been key-less for almost a year now, and it's the weirdest thing...

YiFamily August 4, 2010 at 6:59 PM  

You are a very rich person. I absolutely love your perspective on things.
One of Savannah's favorite foods is ramen. I'm sure she'd love to cook you up a big bowl when you come to visit us.
Love ya,

BeeK August 17, 2010 at 11:28 PM  

This speaks volumes! I love your blog btw..It's on my favorites on my blog. I admire you for your courage Shug. Love the new look!

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