Snow Globe

>> Thursday, January 7, 2010

In order to exchange anything there has to be a certain level of agreement. The "rules" have to be in place. In business, in education, in love.

And once the ground rules are set, they can change. They usually do. And thats part of the game, part of being human: the ability to re-define your world when necessary. Its not that you have to pretend its ok. Quite the contrary, its your job to know when its not. And then to re-negotiate, with the concept, with the person, with yourself. Its your job to discover, cause and allow - change.

In work you establish productivity for pay. In communication you establish what words mean. Words like Love. Hate. Never. Always.

Most of my life I have been a "pleaser". Constantly concerned with everyone else's perception of me. Of my actions and most of all, my intentions. I have spent so much time making decisions, big ones and small ones, based on how others might think, feel or react.

But right now, Im endeavoring to redefine myself.

Im turning myself inside out to see what's there. And walking around with my guts hanging out is pretty gory. Its not safe. Its not pretty. To be honest, Im not very proud of what I see... but I am learning to be.

I mean, what good is a snow globe that has never been shook?


Ryan January 7, 2010 at 11:43 PM  

Fly, pretty flecks of snow, fly!

Zac January 9, 2010 at 5:22 AM  

That's kind of the point, though, isn't it?

From where I'm standing, you have nothing to worry about, your guts are pretty amazing...of course, I'm not sure if my vision is good enough to cover the miles between. ;)

You can't fuck it up, so have your druthers.

JOHN MOSBY January 13, 2010 at 2:04 AM  

You HAD to go and mention SNOW, now didn't you! ;)

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