
>> Saturday, January 16, 2010

What happens when you actually get what you ask for?

This year I took my New Year’s resolution seriously.

In the past my promises have always included the usual suspects: getting a better job, recycling more often, losing that preverbal 10 lbs. But two years ago I stopped.

Instead of making a resolution, I made a wish.

In 2008 my wish was to do something every month that scared me. Last year I wished to experience the world as a child. And this way of asking for something from my year instead of demanding something from myself has brought real freedom. And with freedom comes power. In some ways it has changed everything.

I think the trick with these was their lack of borders. Its like saying you are going to exercise 3 times per week instead of loose 10 lbs. It’s a small distinction but one is open for interpretation and the other is very measurable. We are taught to make goals measurable so we can see if we have achieved them. But what if instead of making them achievable we endeavored to make goals absorbable, by our hearts, our souls- by that part that makes us uniquely us? Isn’t that the part of us that has the power to really make things happen anyway? The part that really needs some inspiration and encouragement?What if instead of giving our heads more food for thought we gave our hearts more fuel for action? I don’t know about you but my soul just loves a good metaphor…

So this year I have to admit, I was a bit scared. The ability to actually speak things into being is an interesting power to get in touch with. (No self-help books can prepare you for that kind of reckoning.) And for me, it has really made me think twice before I ask for something. I question not only my motives but also my true desires. Like having your very own genie filled lamp... might make you wonder what you really want. But in the end it came to me as surely and as simply as the others.

This year I wish to spend/enjoy time in my own skin.

Honestly, I don’t even know what that means. But I am sure looking forward to see is what it brings...


Patrick January 16, 2010 at 11:48 PM  

great wish! looking forward to your future postings on what you´ve got out of it, knowing about the power of your wishes now ;)

JOHN MOSBY January 16, 2010 at 11:58 PM  

I'm being fairly philisophical on my own blog at the mo.

It's knowing that there's a difference between utterly changing and naturally evolving, right?

Soulistic Static January 19, 2010 at 9:30 AM  

Funny part John is that while I AM evolving, believe it or not- it isnt the goal. Im trying to discover who I already AM and thats whats causing all the hubub ;-)

I think philosophical blogs be good sometimes ;-)

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