Beautiful Chaos

>> Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Im really enjoying the weather here. My first July in Berlin vacillates between sweltering heat, pouring rain and breezy chill in what feels like the blink of an eye. I told my friend Marion that I'm magic here and that sometimes I control the weather. So today, in the middle of a sunny afternoon, when the rain started to pour just about the time she wanted to go to lunch, she called to see if I was in a bad mood.

But Im not. And thats not what the rain is for. There are other things at play. Sometimes a break in the norm is needed to jolt your senses. Maybe a conversation needed to be derailed out there. Maybe without the rain that flower wasnt going to live through the heat of the day. Maybe something dirty needed washed away...

And rain comes and goes so quickly here so I never fear it. There will be more shine or showers, whichever is needed most, soon. That is simply the way it works. Finding peace within that truth, thats my job. So today, I am celebrating turbulent weather of all kinds because it keeps life interesting. And its the ability to notice it that makes us strong. What's your weather like today?


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