
>> Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I wanted to do something beautiful for the dear Susanne that has so generously gifted me her apartment to stay in these past weeks. On Monday I planted flowers for the first time. A girl I know was kind enough to lend her love for life and her green thumb to me and to the balcony where I am staying. And together we pulled out the old dying plants and put in new soil.

We both put our hands in and got dirty. 
We talked and laughed. 
And we planted new life in those 6 small window boxes. 
She taught me how to water them properly and told me to talk to them as often as I could especially in the next few days so that they would know that they were home.

And even though the past few days have been cold, I know that these flowers will be alright. Because they were planted with love. And even though it was hard to hear because of the surrounding circumstances, when I heard yesterday that Monday was the day she found out she is pregnant, I know it will be alright. Things planted with love must grow...


Ann May 6, 2009 at 5:04 PM  

What a lovely gift for Susanne!

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