
>> Sunday, May 17, 2009

Being in Los Angeles without a car is a strange experience. I have never dealt with this before a few days ago. I knew things were spread out, but this is ridiculous!The city isnt really set up for human interaction and the car thing is just a great example of this type of isolation. You leave your place, drive somewhere where you expect to see certain people, get back in your car and go back in your place. There are very few random interactions along the way other than traffic and possible bouts with road rage. Everything is totally planned and moderately stressful.

But lately I've been walking. We have these big beautiful sidewalks in Studio City. They generally remain empty while the streets remain full.

On Ventura Blvd. there is a small music store called Ventura Music. I must have driven by it a million times, but now it became my destination as it was the closest place I could think of to fix my guitar. I was warmly greeted by George, the old rocker/owner of the joint, all smiles and long hair. He said he could help me out right away. An hour later, I had discovered that he was a Greek man from Russia who had been living in the US for over 18 years. His wife of 30 years had helped him to open this shop to showcase, store and hopefully sell some of his vintage guitar collection. We talked about life and travel and love. And by the end of the conversation he told me that if I practiced hard and came back to his shop and "impressed him" with my skills, he would give me an antique that was worthy of my effort.

All this because I took the time. All this because I couldn't drive away. All this in LA.
And thats when I realized that revolution is not a place. Its not a time or a phase. Its an everyday occurrence. And it starts inside of each of us. 
Thats when I realized, the revolution, is me.


Anonymous February 9, 2011 at 8:48 PM  

ur absolutely right the revolution does and wil begin with each one of us..the term revolutuion is usually interpreted as being an outward battle..but as i have ALSO all must take place inside of us each as individuals 1st -to bring that love peace and free spirit out that lives within us..and let it be often we are and have been condioned to keep to ourselves ..and fear what will be if we just...well..let it really what holds us all back as a people... i admire what ur kinda doin the same and just figurin myself out along the way..i jus havent got back out and flown the coop again quite sure its goin to be a doozy this time around=) so im jus preparin myself 4 it all..BUT when i takin ur bloggs along with me!!=)..jus to remind me ..that im NOT the only one..on a quest 4 self=)

SYLVIE February 9, 2011 at 8:50 PM  

ur absolutely right the revolution does and wil begin with each one of us..the term revolutuion is usually interpreted as being an outward battle..but as i have ALSO all must take place inside of us each as individuals 1st -to bring that love peace and free spirit out that lives within us..and let it be often we are and have been condioned to keep to ourselves ..and fear what will be if we just...well..let it really what holds us all back as a people... i admire what ur kinda doin the same and just figurin myself out along the way..i jus havent got back out and flown the coop again quite sure its goin to be a doozy this time around=) so im jus preparin myself 4 it all..BUT when i takin ur bloggs along with me!!=)..jus to remind me ..that im NOT the only one..on a quest 4 self=)

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