Hot Water

>> Monday, June 15, 2009

I dont know if I have shared this before but I do some of my best thinking in hot water. Literally and perhaps figuratively as well. And although I have a true desire to be rugged, a camper, a tomboy, I need- actually NEED a hot bath every few days or my heart and body become overun by stress that my brain creates. Strange, but tested and true. So when I asked Berlin for the perfect place, a bathtub was undeniably at the top of my list. That and internet service in a safe neighborhood for 300 euros inclusive per month were my wish. And I got it all. I just forgot to ask for hot water...
Sometimes you have to build a fire. Literally and perhaps figuratively as well. Apparently there are still apartments in the world that dont have continuous hot water throughout the day, not enough to draw a hot bath anyway. I live in one of those. Ive been told by my friends here that this is NOT common. Assured this is not a normal state of being. Not in Berlin. Not in Germany. But its the way my old fashioned apartment is set up. And my other two roommates are cool with it. So I built a fire. And after feeding it for a second time, I was finally able to get enough hot water for an entire bath. And maybe because Im tired, or maybe because I felt like I earned it... it was a wonderful soak indeed!


Aint Got A Clue June 19, 2009 at 12:56 AM  

Where I come from and probably where I will end up, we consider being in hot water A Good Thing. Or at least, a thing well deserved.

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