Something to Love

>> Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I did a funny thing last week.

Ive been frustrated about being unemployed. But its never that simple. I mean yea, Im a little scared when I realize that I only have 10 euros in my bank account. But my rent is payed through December and right now I have enough to eat. But thats not been the reason for the dark cloud over my head. Its that I wake up everyday with energy and hope and then somewhere between my first cup of coffee and checking my emails I realize that once again, I have nowhere to be. Nothing to further. Nothing that needs me. Everyone is talking about how hard the economy is and then to top it off, Im on the other side of the world, stacked with some very real employment disadvantages. Its a feeling of powerlessness.

So I flipped it.

I remember a few years ago in LA, I was unemployed for a bit. It was a weird time for me but I decided that while I was looking for jobs (there are only so many hours a day you can send out those online resumes before you start to go insane) I would volunteer my time. A simple equation: I have time- they need help. If Im not getting paid anyway, why not do something worthwhile?

I met the coolest people at the Los Angeles Mission. I worked there for a couple of weeks and really enjoyed myself. In the end, the main coordinator was leaving and she offered me her job. By that time, I had already secured a new job of my own. But it was nice to be asked.

But what I remember most is that it changed ME. Through helping, I was no longer powerless,useless or pointless anymore.

So last week I sent a few emails to some entrepenuer types I know. Some of my fabulously creative pals that on the regular seem to have too much on their plate. I asked if I could help totally free of charge.

Since then, I have been so busy. I wake up in the morning and feel a strong sense of purpose. And it was nice to learn that it wasnt about money or power or being able to control my destiny. Its about energy, effort and what Im here in this lovely space to do. Because in the end, we all need something to love.


Unknown November 4, 2009 at 11:21 AM  

Now that's the attitude we like! (btw, there's always lots of ironing to do at my house, if u get bored again - only kidding :)

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