On the way to delay

>> Friday, November 20, 2009

On the way to Los Angeles this time I missed my connecting flight. I had been confused in the shuffle and had taken the shuttle to the wrong side of London Heathrow. But in the mean time, I met some lovely people...

John, the man who plans to sail the world in 2011. He told me that he wanted to pay off all his debts before going but that just the thought of it was really making his life worthwhile. After a few minutes of speaking he said that it was really nice to meet someone who didnt think he was crazy.

I met Damien the hippie kid with the fabulous dreads. I asked him how long it took to grow them out- he said 5 years. Originally from a small town in france he had just spent a year in Germany. I asked him where he lived- he said nowhere. I pointed out that actually meant he lives everywhere. He had visa trouble before but was now traveling to India to see his 8 month old son. His first child. He told me that being a father has changed everything.

I got to my new gate just in time for boarding, just in time to fly again. This time a little farther, a little faster, and perhaps a little higher. And as I sat in my seat, I realized that despite this obvious "mistake" on my part, nothing is ever wasted if I am present. I had a beautiful day on my way to delay.


Patrick November 26, 2009 at 2:05 PM  

wonder-ful! i like how you word the (travel-)attitude we share! :)

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