Flying Away

>> Monday, March 30, 2009

Tomorrow morning I fly to Berlin. Yep, its a Delta flight to New York - two hour layover- then Berlin. It will be good to take the trip in a couple of chunks as I can never seem to sleep on planes. Even on international flights, where the booze is free.

I still don't have a job or any leads in particular on how to get one. I have minimal savings, some beginning German language skills, a generous place to crash for a bit, as much as I can carry in the number of bags that they still don't make you pay for on international flights and an interesting mix of fear and anticipation in my belly. These last few days in Denver have been a lot of questioning. A lot of wondering, "why am I doing this again?" But as I pack, I know. As I think, I know. As I write... I remember. Inspiration calls me to Berlin. The purest form I have perhaps ever encountered.

A friend asked me a few days ago what possessed me to go. "Are you just done with LA then?" And I thought for a moment before I answered him. "Sometimes you just know things. Know what you need to do next. And sometimes it would be more cowardly than sane not to walk forward."

So Im walking forward. To Berlin. For a month, a year, I cannot say. But something deep my center tells me that it is good. So here goes...


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