Chasing the Sun

>> Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I spent the weekend in the South.  Alabama specifically, by way of Georgia. A little backwoods drivin’, a little sweet tea sippin’ and Ive been right as rain. The land for the most part is so flat and the civilization so very spread out. There is just so much space here. But one thing that struck me as we were driving across state lines- there seemed to be almost as many churches as there were trees. I swear there was a different church, different denomination, different quaint little building by the side of the road on what would be in the city, every corner. And I realized that in LA we too have a place where people go to worship. They come in to get their fix and you will find them on every corner.  We call it Starbucks. I guess everybody needs something to believe in.

The sun has been setting for about an hour now but it isn't getting any darker. The fading light of golds and roses, back lit against an azure sky remains constant despite the passing of time. And I am struck by the thought that in this instance I can only loose light by standing still. But as I keep moving, forward, or in this case backward, its as though I can conquer time itself. I am flying from Atlanta to Denver and tonight, I am chasing the sun.


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