A question for you...

>> Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sometimes life stands still. Sometimes you are void of ideas. Sometimes when people ask you, "so what's new?" you aren't really sure what to say. In fact sometimes you are angered by the question.
Has a lot happened these last few weeks?
Am I glad I celebrated 30 days of 30?
Do I have any idea how to explain how hard/upsetting it has been.

I usually try not to write until I have something positive to say. Even my bad days/weeks I try to find a silver lining. Believe it or not the purpose of this whole thing is inspiration- for me and for you.
But the last few weeks have been hard. Really freaking hard. And I get to the end of these days with a question.
So right now, Im asking you..."why am I doing this again?"


Ryan August 17, 2009 at 8:47 PM  

You did this because you were compelled. Whether that's still true or not, you are definitely still an outstanding human being with an abundance of strength, character and insight. And I'm so proud of you.

Thinking of you...R-Dizzle.

JOHN MOSBY August 18, 2009 at 1:50 AM  

You did it because not only can you rise to a challenge, but you thrive at it. Without some down days, you wouldn't get that thrill on the days that rise and touch your heart.

I wouldn't worry about feeling out of it unless it continues for a long time - and knowing your perchance for finding lovely unexpected things around every corner, I can only suspect it'll be a matter of days or minutes until you find another rainbow.

Jen Howes August 18, 2009 at 7:49 AM  

You're doing this because you are one of the few people who CAN. You have the gift of openness and flexibility and the perspective one needs to undertake this kind of endeavor. And because there are so many of us who can only live (selfishly) vicariously through you. You'll know when and if it's time for a change. You have a good gut.

Love you!
(PS - Nate just celebrated his first birthday...and had a pickle just for you.)

Soulistic Static August 18, 2009 at 11:40 AM  

Oh thank you my dear ones. You are all so lovely. Thank you!
Yay, Nate... pickles!!!!

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